The bottom two pictures are my roommate Margaret and I. She's going to be a senior at Kent State and she's absolutely great! I could not have asked for anything better! I have really been enjoying getting to know her and going out with her. The best thing is she has the size feet as me so now we can share shoes! She's really chill but loves going out and getting crazy, not unlike myself.
The top picture is from Friday night....well actually about 7 am on Saturday morning. We went out until we saw the sun rise on the beach. And this picture is all of us walking back to the metro so we can get some breakfast and.....pass out!
The other two pictures are us girls and a two of the guys that we've been hanging out with. The girls are all really great. The big group picture was taken while we were waiting for the metro to take us into the city. All of these girls in this picture are from the east coast - Philly, NYC, DC - and two of them are from L.A. So its just Margo and I who are representing the midwest! (obviously we're holding it down and are the only two girls who drink beer) So it's been nice to be getting some flavor from the coasts. That's the greatest thing about the people on this journey with me....I probably would not be friends with very many of these girls and especially the guys had I met them under different circumstances. But here since we're all going through this together, we allow ourselves to open up a little more and to go out of our comfort zone.
So as for our weekend plans, here's the breakdown.
Thursday night: Chupitos. It's a pre-club bar that serves over 600 different shots. We took Harry Potter shots which included lighting the bar on fire with marshmellow 'wands'. Very cool. We then went to Catwalk Club. Which is a huge dancing club right off the beach. This club was pretty ridiculous.....LOTS and LOTS of dancing! My feet were incredibly sore the next day from not only the dancing but the long journey we made to get home from the club. We're really trying to figure out all the transportation still.
Friday night: Dow Jones. We got to this bar at around midnight and everyone settled into some beers before heading down to the clubs. This bar operates like the stock market (or like stock night at Brat's) so it's really fun drinking at the mercy of the supply and demand of the drinks. And every once in a while....you never know when....there's a "crash" and if you happen to be at the bar at that moment you get you're drink for like a euro. Its really fun! This bar closed pretty early (and by early I mean like 2) so we went in search for our next watering hole. We tried a few clubs but the cover charge was pretty ridiculous so we ended up sitting outside a random bar right next to the port. I don't know the name of the bar. After the sun came up we all headed back to Bellaterra for a bite to eat and some sleep.
Saturday: Slept until 5 p.m. and just couldn't do another night of watching the sun rise so a bunch of us girls stayed in and watched The Hangover! Which was so funny and a much better idea of trying to push through another night!
Sunday: Went to lunch in the city and then spent 5 hours on the beach bronzing.
So here's to a successful first weekend and things can only get better as we get more familiar and comfortable in the city! Cannot wait for next weekend!
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